Terms of use
Welcome to the Nourish TT website. The following terms and conditions were compiled to provide you with a clearer understanding of our policies and procedures as they pertain to our online platforms. By accessing or using the Nourish website, you agree that you are legally bound by all of these terms and conditions of use. Please read carefully in full before continuing to use our platforms. If you do not agree to our terms and policies, please refrain from using or accessing our platforms.
The website is free to use without registering.
We recommend the use of our website to persons 13 years and older or persons with the ability to read and understand our terms and policies and code of ethics. Any person unable to do so should only continue in the presence of someone able to explain our policies and ethics.
Nourish holds all rights to content on this website. As our user, you agree that you will not engage in any activity deemed harmful to the Nourish platform, including but not limited to selling, manipulating, falsifying, reproducing, modifying, publishing, or sharing content that is not considered “original content” from our website.
Website and social media interactive sections
Our website and platforms may contain interactive sections such as blogs, newsletters, social media groups, and other engagement features. Users who tamper with, falsify documents, plagiarize, or post malicious content may have their access blocked or terminated. Please ensure all content shared does not contain third-party or copyrighted material without proper attribution. When using third-party information, users must quote or reference the source.
Nourish does not accept responsibility for materials, content, or videos shared or posted on our website by third parties through blogs and social media if they do not align with our policies, beliefs, and ethics. If you deem content inappropriate, please reach out to a Nourish representative, and we will take swift action.
Nourish does not accept responsibility for sponsors, donors, charities, volunteers, or staff who do not abide by or operate outside the laws of the land.
By accessing our website and submitting content, you automatically grant Nourish and its affiliates the right to use your content without the requirement to pay royalties or license fees.
By posting content, users may not reverse content use or claim content from others as their own. If content shared by a user is later transferred or sold to another party, Nourish is not liable for paying royalties to the new owner. Nourish must be advised of the transfer of ownership, and the content can then be removed from our platforms if requested.